KONTEKST is a member of the ELIA association

We are happy to announce that KONTEKST is a member of the ELIA association since march 2019. ELIA (The European Language Industry Association) is a European industry association that brings together companies providing language services. This association supports the...

Notifications of changes at KONTEKST

Dear Sir/Madam, We kindly inform you that in connection with the amendment to the Articles of Association of KONTEKST spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa with its registered office in Warsaw, KRS No.: 0000601266 (hereinafter: “Company”), which...

Information for KONTEKST’s clients

Due to the presence of COVID-19 in Poland, we inform that KONTEKST Translations proceeds to operate as before. We do not expect the current situation to affect the mode of cooperation with our clients or any project deadlines. Being aware of the danger posed by...