Responsible Business at KONTEKST

Our mission at KONTEKST is to provide specialized translation services with due diligence and to conduct our business activities according to a win-win strategy. The values that guide us in our day-to-day operations are honest work, respect for all our team members, partners and clients, clear communication, high competence and constant development. In order to achieve the above standards, we have formalized them into a Quality Management System, a Code of Ethics, and a corporate social responsibility strategy, defining the way the entire team and our external suppliers should operate.

CSR Strategy

The main areas in which the corporate social responsibility strategy is implemented at KONTEKST include:
• fostering diversity and organizational culture in the workplace, which includes increasing the proportion of women in leadership positions,
• charity activity,
• environmental and awareness initiatives.

Directions and goals of CSR activities



Business etiquette and partnerships

An overriding rule in team management at our company is mutual respect, trust and tolerance. These values also guide our employees in their daily interactions with colleagues, contractors and clients.
We believe that by offering our employees not only stable employment, but also a friendly environment and acceptance, we contribute to building an inclusive society and help to drive sustainable economic growth.

Membership of Responsible Business Forum

Since 3 December 2010, KONTEKST has been a member of the Responsible Business Forum (FOB), and in November 2016, we also became FOB’s translation partner. We provide the organization with free translations of documents necessary for its daily work.
In October 2018, we became a signatory to the Diversity Charter, making commitments which include:
• creating an organizational climate and culture which promote respect for diversity;
• implementing institutional, intra-organizational solutions in order to develop an equal opportunities policy;
• introducing and enforcing policies aimed at promoting equal treatment and managing diversity in the workplace;
• introducing anti-discrimination and anti-mobbing monitoring and regular educational activities focused on counteracting discrimination and mobbing;
• maintaining a dialogue with employees on the adopted diversity management policy and communicating with the organization’s stakeholders;
• releasing annual reports on the activities undertaken and their practical results,
• promoting and popularizing diversity management in Poland.

Increasing the proportion of women in leadership positions

Women hold 70% of leadership positions in the company. KONTEKST is committed to promoting professional development of women and challenging gender stereotypes regarding their traditional roles.
5 out of 7 leadership positions in the company are held by women. What is more, women represent 84% of all our employees.

Staff development = business development

In order to ensure that our team has the right knowledge and skills, we regularly hold trainings devoted to the qualifications required in specific departments and positions. These activities are constantly supplemented with projects aimed at the team’s overall development and the improvement of soft skills. One of such projects aims to encourage employees to read books and share opinions about them. In the reception area of our company, there is a bookcase containing a constantly updated selection of titles in fields such as business, current affairs, and personal development.

Charity activity


Support for Polish Humanitarian Action

Support for the Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) has long been at the core of our charity work. We provide the organization with free translations of texts required for its day-to-day operations, including contracts, authorizations, certificates and registration documents.
By helping PAH, we indirectly contribute to the achievement of the goals pursued by the organization, such as:
• fighting against poverty and famine,
• ensuring access to water and safe and decent sanitation solutions,
• increasing prosperity,
• eliminating social inequalities.
What is more, our team members are always ready to show initiative and participate in occasional charity events, such as Helping Santa or Ciuch w Ruch.

Environmental activity

As a socially responsible company, we care about the environment, taking actions to avoid air pollution and reduce the amount of waste we produce. At KONTEKST, we use electronic solutions instead of paper documentation: we issue electronic invoices, certificates, and certified translations with electronic signatures, and popularize them among our clients, especially in the age of remote work.
At the company office, we never use bottled water; we have a filter installed and drink local Warsaw tap water instead. We also segregate our waste and engage in other activities aimed at reducing the negative impact of human activity on the environment.