I confirm that:

1. After completing the translation job, I checked the translation to make sure that the translation is complete and free of editing errors, proper terminology has been used, all guidelines, reference documents, glossaries, etc. provided have been consulted and adhered to.
2. Any queries regarding the translation process have been communicated to KONTEKST in advance.

If the source file is an editable file, e.g. an MS Office format, the package to be sent to KONTEKST must include:

  • the target file in the source file format (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, etc.)
  • the corresponding bilingual file (acceptable formats: .mqxlz, .mqxliff, .xlf, .xliff, and .sdlxliff)
  • the project translation memory file (.tmx).

If the source file is a CAT bilingual file, e.g. .mqxliff, .xliff or .mqxlz, the package to be sent to KONTEKST must include:

  • the translation in the source file format (respectively: .mqxliff, .xliff or .mqxlz)
  • the project translation memory file (.tmx).
5. If the source file is a bilingual table in the .rtf file format, the translation is delivered in the same file and format (.rtf).
6. If the source file is a non-editable file (.pdf, .jpeg etc.), the translation must be free of any extra formatting resulting from the use of OCR software, such as unnecessary section or column breaks, inconsistent margins, text fields, different fonts and font sizes, inconsistent line spacing, unnecessary or erroneous punctuation marks and/or symbols.